Meeting call to order at 9:40 with 14 members and 1 guest mike haynes was welcomed. john anaya and josh johnson were voted into the club. treas rep.-nothing to report. tourn dir report nothing to report conservation report- nothibng to report old biz- fmo proposed dates are july 4th jul11 and aug 8th the proposed dates were put to a vote and aug 8th was voted as the fmo 09 tourn date.cast- nothing to report.casting kids-nothibng to report. jr. bass- state championship needs five more boats sat. 9/13 it is a bag and scale tourn 5am - 3pm 5:30 boaters meeting and 6am launch. federation- steve and mike went to durango grand lake was the lake selected for the 09 stqt state team format was tabled til nov. bod meeting at sportsmans warehouse in loveland on the 15th at 1pm.stqt free donations will given as door prizes. the new membership drive for the skeeter boat was voted down. habitat- mike was able to raise 1650.00 from his company. city of greeley-nothing to report. cyo- bill dews proposal donation to roosevelt high school was tabled til oct meeting. new biz- proposed fishing all weekend with travel partner, and proposed pro-am style format, tabled til october. meeting adjourned at 10:19 sec.steve barbee