Centennial Bass Club

                                                               Meeting Minutes

                                                                 11 July 2006


The meeting was called to order at Doug Johns house by Pres. Lind following the club's mini tournament at Lone Tree Res. There were 13 member in attendance.

Secretary's Report: The Secretary read the minutes from the June meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary's report-motion carried.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer reported that CBC has $3218.73 in its Treasury. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurers Report-motion carried.

BOD Meeting is 19 Aug. 2006 in Durango Colo. If anyone would like to attend contact Pres. Lind.

Pres. Lind reported that there was not enough interest in the 6 man team format for the STQT so the plan was dropped. CBC will also not have a team in The Federation Nation schedule.

FMO: Chairperson Bill Wilson gave a report on the FMO tournament held this past weekend at Horsetooth Res. Despite the poor weather, the tournament was a success with the club showing a profit of $2225. There was $200 made off the raffle. A motion was made and seconded to give VP Villa's wife Echo, $100 for her work in helping with the registration at The FMO and to help offset her expenses in doing so. Motion passed. Bill also suggested that plaques be given to each one of the sponsors of The FMO, with larger plaques going to Dicks Sporting Goods and Sportsmans Warehouse. Left over T-Shirts would also be donated to the sponsors. Bill Wilson made a motion that the monies generated from The FMO be placed in a separate bank account from the club's general fund. Motion seconded and passed. Pres. Lind thanked all the volunteers from the club that worked on the FMO.

New Business: Pres. Lind said that 5-7 volunteers are needed for the Western Divisionals to be held at Lake Powell Utah 7-11 May 2007. Mike Hubbard and Doug Johns tentativily volunteered.

Doug Johns brought up the subject of increasing non-boater interest in the weekend tournaments. Several suggestions were made with much discussion following. It was decided to table the subject until after this years tournament schedule was completed.

There being no further business before the floor, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting-meeting adjourned.

Next Tournament: 25 July 2006-Horsetooth-watch the website.


Secretary: G.McCambridge