Centennial Bass Club

October 5, 2010


Meeting called to order at 6:50 pm.

12 Members no guests.

Secretary report was read. Motion and second to accept. Motion passed.

Treasurer report; Jr. Club - $995.67, FMO - $1785.92, CBC - $3708.49. Motion and second to accept. Motion passed.

Tournament Director; Sign up section for weekend tournaments is up and operating on the website.

Conservation Report; Brian asked that if anyone has an idea for a conservation project to let him know and he will pursue the possibility. There was discussion about using some of the funds marked for conservation for fish structure.

Old Business;

Finance Committee; Bill Wilson will have an email out to the Club containing a rough draft of the Committee Charter and amendment to the by-laws before the next business meeting.

Raise the limit of fund dispense without board approval from $125 to $175. Motion and second. Motion passed. This will require an amendment to the by-laws.

Chairman of Finance Committee; Discussion as to weather this should be an elected or appointed officer. Should the Committee consist of three or four members? Will the members consist of the Elected or appointed Chairman, President and Treasurer or Chairman, President, Treasurer and one member voted in from the Club. The Chairman would only preside the meetings and only vote in such circumstances to end a tie. Discussion will remain open for next meeting.

Trout Award; Bill Ross – Headfirst trip out of the boat. No further nominations. Send any other nominations to Mike by email.

Jerry Smith Award; Might not be given out every year. Nominations will be done by email containing an explanation of why the person is deserving of this award to the President for review by the Steering Committee. If warranted the award will be given out for that year.

Christmas party will be at Frank Villa’s on December 18th. The sign up sheet is up on the website.

Member renewal; Need 6 members signed up to stay in good standings with BASS. Asking that the officers of the Club and anybody that can to pay your dues before January 2011. Dues for the Club will remain the same as last year at $57.00.

FMO; Mike has a list of people interested in purchasing 25 DVD’s. Chad has 30 of them ordered. It was suggested that the Club buy the other 5 to loan out to sponsors.

 SOP; Bill Wilson read a copy of the rough draft. Mike will post this on the website in the Member section for review.

CAST; Bill Wilson has a sign up sheet for December 18 and 19 for Bass Pro bagging for tips.

Jr. Club; 2010 Jr. State Champions – 11-14 yr olds, Josh Villa. 15-18 yr olds, Seth Willard. Both kids are from our Jr. Club.

Website; Possible that other member volunteers could help Frank get the website updated.

Federation; NTR

Habitat; George will email the Club.

New Business

Vendor links setup on our website with discounts for our members. Would like to set it up in the members only section of our website with discount codes. Mike will present this to Frank.

Steering Committee; Mike will schedule a meeting before the December meeting to put together a proposed schedule for 2011 for a vote at the January 2011 meeting.

Officer Nominations; Vice President – Perry Flot. Tournament Director – Greg Gillen. Secretary – Brian Spencer, Chad Brekke. Activities Director – Craig McMillen. Treasurer – Brett Vogel.

Bill Wilson presented a list of items for sale from Bernie Stein. The proceeds from the sale of these items will be donated to his church.

Bill Wilson brought forth that Chad Lachance mentioned that maybe he would like to consider fishing in the FMO and just have his Crew film the event to change up the format of his TV show. After some discussion the majority conceded that this didn’t sound like a good idea for the Club.

Motion and second to donate $100 to the Larimer County Food Bank and $100 to the House of Neighborly Services Food Bank in Loveland. Motion passed.

Open up discussion for reviewing the number of members for the Steering Committee at the next business meeting.

Motion and second to adjourn. Motion passed 8:57 pm.