Centennial Bass Club

June 1, 2010


Meeting called to order at 9:24 pm

11 members, 4 guests present.

New member Jack Claxton voted in.

Secretary report was read. Motion and second to accept. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report: Not present to report.

Tournament Director: NTR

Conservation: Still in need of Director.

FMO: Bill will be sending out an email to sign up volunteers to help.

CAST: Motion and second to allow up to $600 to be spent out of the general fund for CAST expenses. Motion passed.

Website: There are quite a few things on the website that need to be updated.

Federation: NTR

Greeley project: NTR

New Business

Ryan Kelly has a proposal for a fundraiser for the club. His Mom owns a coach service that does trips to Blackhawk/Central City. If the Club would be interested in selling tickets for the bus ride, all monies off these sales would go to the Club. Ryan’s Mom has offered to come to a meeting and share the details.

It was mentioned that a sign up sheet for weekend tournaments would be a nice addition to the website.

Motion and second to adjourn. Motion passed. 9:46pm