Centennial Bass Club

August 3, 2010




Meeting called to order at 9:30 pm

17 members present

Secretary report was read. Motion and second to accept. Motion passed.

Treasurer report; Jr. Club - $1044.07, CBC General fund - $3789.49, FMO - $1883.32.

Bill Wilson reported that some funds had been transferred from the FMO to the General fund. There are also a couple of debts that still were owed out of the FMO fund.

Tournament Director; The permit for the September at Norton is in the process of being re-submitted.

Conservation; NTR.

Old Business; Frank is still working on a sign up sheet for weekend tournaments on the website.

Mike and Bill are working on getting more New Member packets printed.

Hook cutters are ordered. There was no price break offered, so only 3 sets are being purchased. Estimated cost is $24 each.

Discussion to establish a Finance Committee was tabled until next meeting so that information could be arranged for it to be written into the Club By-laws.

FMO; Mike has a list of those interested in purchasing a copy of the DVD. He will leave the orders open until October. Money will be collected before ordering.


Jr. Club; Last tournament was July 24th at swift ponds. Chris Whittle took 1st place. A Barbeque was held afterwards. There were 45 people with parents and volunteers.

Frank has 8 Kids signed up for the Jr. State Championship to be held at Pueblo on September 11th. He would like to get enough volunteers for boats to cover the kids that our Club is sending.

Federation; 3rd quarter meeting to be held on August 21st in Durango. Mike Hubbard, Steve Barbee and Brian Spencer will be the representatives going for CBC.

National BASS Conservation Director is leaving the organization; it is asked that each State donate $75 for a parting gift. CBC vote is yes.

Lakes for 2011 STQT will be voted on. CBC choices in order, 1 Grand – 2nd week of June. 2 Table Rock – 3rd week of April. 3 Navajo – 2nd or 3rd week of May.

No new Business to address.

Motion and second to adjourn. Motion passed. 10:09 pm