CBC Meeting Minutes

Windjammer Restaurant-Carter Lake

2 August 2005


Pres. Lind called the meeting to order following the club's mini-tournament at Carter Lake.

There were 17 members in attendance and 1 new member, Travis Rulle, who was voted in as a new member.

Secretary's Report: The Secretary read the minutes from the July meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretary's report-motion carried.

Treasurer's Report: In the absence of the treasurer, Bill Wilson reported that the club has $2808.34 in its treasury. A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer's report-motion carried.

FMO: Bill Wilson reported on a very successful FMO money wise. The CBC made $1767.61.

Tournament Directors Report: Tim Martinez reminded members of the upcoming weekend tournament at Horsetooth on 6 and 7 Aug. Members will meet at 5AM and blast off will be at safe light. VP Villa suggested putting in at the north end of Horsetooth due to the number of weekenders at the south end. Much discussion followed. It was agreed that the north end would be used.

Conservation Director's Report: Eric Bergersen reported on a meeting with Larimer Cty. officials on the stocking of Horsetooth Res. and the building of bass habitats at Horsetooth. Larimer Cty. has requested help from CBC in the restoration of the island at Watson Lake. Johnstown Res. will be open to the public next spring. The lake is located just west of Johnstown Colo. The fees that the County charges for the club's tournaments were discussed at great length.

Old Business: Bill Wilson reported on the FMO just recently held at Horsetooth.

Federation BOD Meeting: Pres. Lind discussed the upcoming meeting in Durango Colo. on 20 Aug. Jeremy Montoya volunteered to go with Jeff Colwel and Pres. Lind.

4th Qtr. BOD Meeting Location: Several local restaurants were mentioned. Pres. Lind will follow up.

DOW Appreciation Day: No date set.

CBC Website: VP Villa covered the new website contents. If any CBC members have photos they would like to have posted on the website, contact VP Villa.

New Business: Pres. Lind brought up the possibility of a 2 day tournament in New Mexico in Oct. Much discussion followed.

Next Meeting is on 6 Sept. 2005-Time and place to be announced on the website.

There being no further business before the club, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting-motion carried-meeting adjourned.


Secretary: G.McCambridge