Centennial Bass Club

                                                         Meeting Minutes

                                                            2 May 2006


Pres. Lind called the meeting to order at JJ's Lounge following the club's mini tournament at Horsetooth Res. There were 16 members in attendance.

Secretary’s Report: The Secretary read the minutes from the April meeting. There was one correction. The club will pay $50 a year for the club's mini and weekend tournaments at Horsetooth, plus $200 for The Full Moon Open Tournament as opposed to what was reported in the April Meeting Minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept the secretary's corrected report-motion carried.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer reported that the club has $2948.79 in its Treasury. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurers Report-motion carried.

Tournament Directors Report: The Tournament Director reported on the upcoming weekend club classic at Merritt Res. in Neb. on 6 and 7 May 2006.

Conservation Directors Report: Conservation Director not present.

Old Business:

Full Moon Open: Bill Wilson reported that some sponsors still have not paid. There are flyers at Dicks Sporting Goods and Sportsmans Warehouse advertising the FMO. Members are urged to pick some up and distribute them in their travels.

Casting Kids: Both VP Villa and Mike Hubbard reported on individuals they were aware of that were interested in joining a Jr. Bassmasters Club. Mike Hubbard volunteered to co-ordinate putting such a club locally.

STQT: Jeff Colwell reported on the State Team Qualifying Tournament held in Grand Lake Okla. 26 thru 28 April. Both Jeff and Scott Sheldon qualified for the State Team. Bill Wilson made a motion that the club donate $100 to Jeff Colwell and $100 to Scott Sheldon to help offset expenses at the tournament in Columbia River Wash. Motion seconded-motion carried.

Bass Federation: Pres. Lind read the rules laid down by The Bass Federation Nation the 6 man teams must follow when participating in The Divisionals and The Nationals. The floor was opened for discussion on scheduling a tournament. A motion was made and seconded to form a committee to study the interest on a local level and to interpret the rules of The Bass Federation Nation and report back to CBC. The committee is made up of the following CBC members: Jeff Colwell, Mike Hubbard, John Wilder, Jeremy Montoya and Tim Ryan. Further discussion was tabled until next meeting.

Website: Nothing to report.

CAST Event: Check the website.

New Business:

Lisa Evans of DOW needs volunteers for some projects. No action taken.

There being no further business before the floor, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting-motion carried-meeting adjourned.


Secretary: G.McCambridge