FMO Steering Committee Meeting

7 Feb.2006


Chairperson Bill Wilson opened the meeting with 8 members in attendance.

VP Villa passed around a copy of the FMO flyers that gave a description of the FMO along with the existing and new sponsors.

The cutoff date for any new sponsors is now 7 March 2006 so flyers can be printed and distributed.

Gary Dykeman suggested that The Bank of Colo. and Dykeman Trophies purchase new hats for the first 18 teams that register for the FMO. Gary will follow up.

Tim Martinex reported that all the necessary insurance forms have been filled out and will be sent to Larimer County.

More discussion followed concerning the fees Larimer County wants to charge the club for our tournaments. That subject will be discussed at the club's regular business meeting following The FMO Steering Committee meeting.

Bill requested the FMO Steering Committee meet at 6PM on 7 March 2006 prior to CBC's regularily scheduled business meeting.



Centennial Bass

ClubMeeting Minutes

7 Feb. 2006


In the absence of Pres. Lind, VP Villa called the meeting to order with 14 members and 2 guests present.

The guests were Tom Eyman and Jerry Moldenhauer.

Secretarys Report: The Secretary read the minutes from the Jan. meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Secretarys Report-motion carried.

Treasurers Report: Bill Wilson read the Treasurers Report. The club has $1990.55 in its Treasury. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurers report-motion carried.

Tournament Directors Report: The Tournament Director reported that all members must have their 2006 insurance paid up prior to fishing any tournaments. He also reported that all the necessary insurance papers have been returned for the out-of-state tournaments and for The FMO. There was some discussion about the fees Larimer Cty. is charging the club. In order not to be charged a "special events fee" the club must have fewer than 12 boats at any one tournament. However, the club is going to have to pay the special events fee for The FMO.

Conservation Directors Report: Eric Bergersen reported that DOW appreciated the work CBC menbers did at Horsetooth Res. on 28 Jan. rebuilding bass habitats. Eric also reported that Windsor Lake may be the next lake CBC members would be invited to build some bass habitats on. Pictures were passed around showing the work completed on the bass habitats at Horsetooth Res.

Old Business: FMO Steering Committee Chairperson Bill Wilson reported on the addition of new sponsors to The FMO and should any CBC members have any sponsors lined up, the cutoff date for a commitment from those sponsors is 7 march 2006. Gary Dykeman is checking into hats being given out to the first 18 teams that sign up for The FMO.

Eric Bergersen again suggested that CBC write a letter to The DOW requesting the re-instatementof the 15" LMB size limit at Horsetooth. Much discussion followed.

Casting Kids: Mike Hubbard reported that there will be a Casting Kids Event at the boat show on 18 and 19 Feb. 2006 at The Ranch. A sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers. There will be another Casting Kids Event at The American Eagle building at The Ranch on 2 April 2006. There will also be a swap meet at that time. Another Casting Kids Event will be held at Dicks Sporting Goods on 20-21 May 2006.

Club Classic: Merritt Res. Valentine Neb. 6-7 May 2006. VP Villa reported on the accomodations that will be available to CBC members at Merritt Res. The total price for 14 qualifiers staying at the lake cabins would be $1125.00. A deposit of $562.50 would be required. Each qualifier would pay $40.17 now so the Treasurer can write the deposit check, then pay the remaining $40.17 per qualifier that weekend. The subject was tabled until the next regular meeting.

Federation BOD Meeting: Jeff Colwell read the meeting minutes from the 1st Qtr. BOD meeting held at Bass Pro Shops on 21 Jan. 2006. There were more negative aspects about TBF/FLW than positive ones and the general feeling among The CBF is to stay with BASS. A very interesting discussion followed.

Website:VP Villa discussed the new website.

New Business: The subject of a club logo was discussed. VP Villa passed around  examples 2 different logos he came up with. VP Villa asked for suggestions from members.

It was decided by the membership that Sportscasters would be the location for the remainder of the club's winter meetings.

Bill Wilson reported that Sportsmans Warehouse would be donating money/gift certificates to the club's tournaments.

A swap meet will be held on 2 April at The American Eagle building at The Ranch.

Following the regular business meeting, one of the guests, Tom Eyman gave a most interesting and informative talk on the maintenance and care of reels. For the benefit of those members not at the meeting that would require his services, he can be reached at: Backlash Rod and Reel


                                                                                                                                                         Berthoud, Colo.


                                                                                                                                                         Windsor Colo.

There being no further business before the club, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting-motion carried.

A raffle followed the meeting.


Secretary: G.McCambridge