CBC Meeting Minutes

4 January 2005



Call to order by President Ben Lind

12 members present


Welcoming of Guests and Roster Signing

No Guests


Secretary's Report read. Motion made and seconded to accept secretary's report as read. Motion passed.


Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Brett Vogel reports the club has $1553.56. Motion made and seconded to accept the treasurers report. Motion passed.


Full Moon Open: Frank Villa suggested the club give everyone a chance to participate in the FMO in order to get more sponsers. There was some discussion on this subject. Don Vaughn suggested the club have some banners of some sort made up that can be placed at various sporting goods retail outlets i.e. Jax Surplus, Bennets, Sportsmans Warehouse, advertising the FMO and giving the CBC's website address as the contact point. Some discussion concerning this idea. Jeff Colwell suggested that we place ads in the sporting magazines around the state advertising the FMO. It is believed that this would attract out of state bass fisherman as well as generate more interest on the local level. Much discussion followed. Pres. Lind will follow up on these suggestions.


The subject of filming one or more of our tournaments was again brought up for discussion. There were more negative comments than positive ones, especially when it came to the use of lights during a night time tournament. It was decided to wait until the club heard back from Terry Wickstrom.


BOD Meeting on 11 Dec. 2004: The date for the STQT at Table Rock Res. in Missouri have not been changed. Frank Villa went into great detail why it was decided to leave it as is. Pres. Lind gave out information as to the making of reservations for this event. Don Vaughn and Jeff Colwell both passed on information as to places to stay, restaurants, etc. for this event.


There will be an Appreciation Day on 9 July 2005 at Horsetooth for the BOD policy makers.


2005 Tournament Rule Changes: Bill Wilson not present so Pres. Lind went over the changes in the wording on 3 of the rules. There was much discussion on the wording of rule #7 concerning the use of life jackets. Bill Wilson will follow up on the rule changes.


2005 Tournament Schedule Ratification: Jeff Colwell suggested that the Boyd Lake Mini scheduled for 17 May, be swapped with the Horsetooth Mini scheduled for 5 April. Much discussion followed. Pres. Lind reminded everyone that the Club Classic would have to be worked in a weekend fairly early in the year. Several weekends were suggested in both March and April by Jeremy Montoya, Jeff Colwell,  Don Vaughn and Frank Villa. 9 and 10 April 2005 were the dates finally decided upon for the Club Classic at Cedar Bluffs Res. in Kansas. Frank Villa gave a description of accomodations available at Cedar Bluffs. Pres. Lind suggested an open team tournament over and above our scheduled tournaments. Much discussion followed   mostly on the selection of a date. A motion was made and seconded to have the said tournament on 21 May. Motion carried. Pres. Lind suggested that no changes be made in the 2005 schedule. A motion was made by Pete Marshall and seconded by Craig McMillan to accept the 2005 tournament schedule as written. Motion carried.


CBC shirts are done. Go pick them up.


New Business:

Doug Johns not present so the Father/Son fishing trip discussion was tabled until next meeting.


Casting For Kids: 19 and 20 Feb. 2005 is the scheduled date at The Ranch. If there is a boat show or other event scheduled that day, an alternate building will be used. Craig McMillin will follow up.


Golden Rule Demo: Some discussion but was tabled until a later meeting.


Jeremy Montoya gave a presentation on the new Kistler rods. He also headed up a discussion on crankbaits. Very informative.


Adjournment-no raffle


Next Meeting-1 Feb. 2005 Gambler Steakhouse 7PM Ft. Collins-FMO Meeting at 6PM